A coffee with… Annie Wykes

Getting to know our people

This is the first in a series of articles where we get to know the people who make up our business. They’re the most important part of what we do, and they’re the people you’ll see, speak to or hear from every day. So we’re sitting down for ‘A Coffee With…’ people from across our business, to see what they do, why they do it, and what keeps them smiling!

The first person in the hot seat is Annie Wykes. Annie joined us recently and moved all the way up from London to be with us, so let’s find out what motivates her…

1. How are you enjoying your time at Romero so far?

I am loving being at Romero – it is without doubt the best place I have worked and time is flying by.

2. What’s been your favourite thing about being here?

Feeling one of the team since my first day – greeted with friendly smiles every day and working with good people. The overall energy of the company is so positive, and people are happy to be here.

3. What have you found most challenging?

Moving to Leeds and not knowing the area or anybody outside of work!

4. If you had to sum up your role in one sentence, what would it be?

Being a friendly face and voice for when client need you, and making their job easier.

5. What has surprised you most about working here?

The focus on wellbeing at Romero surprised me. Finding out in the interview about the things Romero do was music to my ears, but then to see how it works and get involved has been great. I’ve become a Wellbeing Champion now and I’m very proud to be a part of the team.

6. What would you like to change about insurance?

I would put more emphasis on the human aspect – too many companies now are all about the numbers. It is a business and of course profitability is important, but you do find a lot of companies forget how important their clients and employees are, which seems ridiculous to me because without those things, the company wouldn’t be trading.

7. Where are you in 5 years’ time?

A management role is my aim. I’d love to continue to be part of a team and working with colleagues to make the work place the best it can be, for everyone.

8. Where is Romero in 5 years’ time?

I believe Romero will grow in size rapidly, and successfully manage to do that with a great work force; employees who actually look forward to coming into work.

9. Where did you work previously, and what did you do?

Previously I was in London where the landscape was pretty different! I was a commercial account handler there too.

10. What drives you to succeed?

Knowing the kind of life I would like to enjoy definitely keeps me working hard and aiming high. Working for a company who appreciate the work you put in and actually know you as a person and not just a number is key as well, because motivation can definitely be affected in the wrong environment, working for the wrong company.

11. Sum yourself up in 5 words.

Approachable, hard-working, loyal, proud and daft!

12. What’s your perfect Sunday?

Seeing family and friends, with delicious food. Hopefully a BBQ if the weather is nice!

13. What’s your pet hate?

Labels still stuck on the bottom of shoes when they’re being worn!

Thanks for having A Coffee With... us!

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