A coffee with… Vicky Ing

Fruit shortcakes, dog walks and lazy Sundays

The next installment in our ‘A Coffee With…’ series. Today we’re sitting down with Vicky Ing, who joined us recently as Executive Assistant to our CEO & MD, Justin and Simon. Read about her first impressions of working with us here at Romero, and what makes her tick! From lazy Sundays with the dog, to listening to Madcon!

1. How are you enjoying your time at Romero so far?

So far so good! I’m enjoying it a lot.

2. What’s been your favourite thing about being here?

The people. I don’t think I have ever worked anywhere where, without exception, the people are so welcoming. Also, the location, I love my drive in and I’m not sure the novelty of watching the planes take off will ever wear off.

3. What have you found most challenging?

I’ve never worked in insurance before so there’s lots for me to learn, it’s a little like trying to learn a whole new language!

4. If you had to sum up your role in one sentence, what would it be?

‘Jack of all trades’. I know that would mean I am a master of none (which I hope isn’t true) but my role involves turning your hand to lots of different things, the variety is half the fun.

5. What has surprised you most about working here?

How quickly I feel settled here. Starting a new job always feels a bit strange but I feel like I have been here longer than a few weeks. In a good way!

6. Where are you in 5 years’ time?

Who knows?!

7. Where is Romero in 5 years’ time?

From what I have seen so far, the business has everything it needs to continue going from strength to strength.

8. Where did you work previously, and what did you do?

Before I came to Romero I worked at a company called UKAR, which was Bradford & Bingley once upon a time. I was PA to the Chief Operating Officer there. Before that I did stints at DFS, Bettys (the cakes!) and Morrisons.

9. What drives you to succeed?

I think a combination of things. I don’t feel the need to be THE best but I want to be up there with them. The variety and the pace of my job is my drive, I like to feel like I’m moving things forward and I like the challenge of juggling lots of different things at one time.

10. Sum yourself up in 5 words.

I’m lucky, friendly, loved, cynical and a little bit weird.

11. What’s your perfect Sunday?

An early morning dog walk, followed by Sunday lunch somewhere and then a movie night. I love a lazy Sunday.

12. If you were a biscuit, what would you be and why?

I cheated and the answer I got from a friend was ‘fruit shortcake’; sweet, unusual edges… and a bit fruity!

13. What’s your pet hate?

I have a list! One of the big ones is people who drive cars they can’t park.

14. If you were stranded on a desert island and could take one book, one luxury and one song, what would they be?

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, if you haven’t read it you should. Best book ever! A duvet – even if it’s a hot desert island – and ‘Beggin’ by Madcon my one song.

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