Construction site ready for reopening

Download our reopening checklist

On 10th May 2020, the government announced plans to begin easing lockdown restrictions in the UK. This is great news for the economy, businesses and individuals across the country. 

Certain businesses have been encouraged to reopen. This is the case if employees are unable to work from home and need to carry out their tasks in a specific workplace environment. Businesses within the construction or manufacturing industries, for example, are now advised to reopen. However, all workplaces must put measures in place to ensure the safety of their employees. This includes investing in PPE equipment and putting social distancing plans in place. 

The government has released advice for employers and businesses which includes best practice within the workplace and social distancing principles. You must ensure a stock of PPE, review cleaning procedures, implement safety and hygiene procedures to limit the spread of COVID-19 and put social distancing measures in place. 

You must fully assess your workplace risk. We have already published advice on site risk assessments for the construction industry, and a coronavirus risk assessment. Use these documents to inform your reopening risk assessments and procedures. 

Our reopening checklist provides handy bullet points advising on the important steps you must take to control risks and ensure the safety of your premises. 

After a period of dormancy it is your responsibility to carry out checks that make sure you can recommission your premises safely. Minimising risks will protect your business and your employees. 

The opening checklist includes sections on:

  • Building checks
  • Machinery and equipment start-up and maintenance 
  • Operational considerations

You must also ensure your procedures and property is in compliance with your insurance cover. Get in touch with us if there are any changes to your business activities, products manufactured, Sums Insured or any level of cover required. Our dedicated team is happy to help answer any questions. 

Download your reopening checklist below.

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