Issues with the Motor Insurance Database


We have been made aware, that following a recent update to the Motor Insurance Database (MID) from the Motor Insurer’s Bureau (MIB), the database has become unstable meaning vehicle data may not be accurate.

This has resulted in the police stopping and seizing some vehicles appearing to be uninsured, when in fact appropriate cover is in place.

What happens if I’m stopped by the police?

If you are stopped by the police, explain that you have proper insurance in place for your vehicle and make reference to the known issue with the Motor Insurance Database – the police should also be aware of this.

You should then verify with your insurance company that your cover is in place whilst on scene with the police. We recommend keeping a copy of your insurance cover and contact details for your insurer within your vehicle at all times.

Some insurers have set up specific helplines for this issue, and we will update these below as they become available so you have immediate access to the information you need, otherwise, please use the main contact details for your insurer available on your policy documentation:

Insurer Contact Details

  • Allianz MID Helpdesk: 0345 073 1118 (OPTION 3) – Available Monday to Friday; 8am to 6pm (9am to 5pm on weekends and bank holidays)

What is the Motor Insurance Database

The MID is the central record of all insured vehicles in the United Kingdom. It is used by the Police and the DVLA to check and monitor all vehicles to ensure that any vehicles on the road have proper insurance in place to protect the public from uninsured drivers.

The database is created and maintained by the Motor Insurer’s Bureau which is an independent organisation, not affiliated with any insurance brokers or providers.

I have a question

If you have any queries about this issue and you are a Romero Insurance Broker’s client, simply get in touch with your usual point of contact, or call us on 0113 281 8110.
If you don’t yet work with us but would like to learn more about how we can protect motor fleets, visit our dedicated page here.

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