Keeping your unoccupied premises safe

The government has announced that some businesses should look to reopen their doors. This applied to companies where employees are unable to work from home, such as construction and manufacturing businesses. Businesses that are looking to recommission their premises should follow our reopening checklist. However, if your business premises has been advised to remain closed for the foreseeable future, you must still make sure your site remains safe. 

Have you completed dormancy checks for your unoccupied premises? 

By now, we hope you have already completed the dormancy checks necessary to ensure your building or site remains safe during a period of unoccupancy. But you must continue to minimise risk and check your premises in order to keep your unoccupied business safe during lockdown. 

Unoccupancy checks to consider…

  • Make sure all alarms and CCTV systems are operable, in service date and tested where necessary
  • Ensure first aid stocks are available and remain in date
  • Make sure all on-site gas and fuel supplies remain isolated and locked off 
  • Check for any damage, water ingress, damaged pipes
  • Check the outside of your premises is safe, ensuring fences and gates are secure and in good condition
  • Make sure there are no signs of break in or damage
  • Check there is no fly tipping or waste build up
  • Continue to complete all machinery safety and maintenance inspections
  • Check storage and security facilities are safe, clean and clear 
  • Update risk assessments if necessary 
  • Check your post regularly. You may receive letters that require urgent response.

Get your business ready for reopening 

Your premises won’t be closed forever. Businesses would be wise to begin planning now for their phased return. This includes checking there is a suitable coverage of trained staff (and considering staff refresher trainings to ensure safe operation). Look into stocking relevant PPE where necessary, and start developing a social distancing plan now so you aren’t rushing to develop one once you’re allowed to open your doors again. Changing should include implementing COVID-19 awareness procedures, and adapting your cleaning regime to minimise the potential spread of coronavirus. 

All businesses must continue to ensure that procedures and property is compliant with insurance policies. Please remember to contact us with details of any business changes.

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